Family & Matrimonial Law
The breakdown of a marriage or a long-standing relationship can be a traumatic experience for a person and particularly if there are children involved. It will also have significant implications for the individual in terms of their financial and legal standing under the law. Anthony Fay & Co offers a wide range of legal services in this area and will deal with your case in a sensitive and confidential manner. Some of the areas include:
- Separation agreements.
- Judicial Separations & Divorce Decrees. The Family Law Act 2019 came into operation on the 1st December 2019 and has introduced some important changes for obtaining a divorce in Ireland including that the couple must be living apart from one another for at least 2 out of the previous 3 years. This legislation further clarifies that spouses who live in the same home as one another are considered to be living apart if the spouses are not living together as a couple in an intimate and committed relationship.
- Civil annulment.
- Co-habitation and de facto relationships including advice regarding the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010.
- Following the commencement of The Marriage Act 2015 on the 16 November 2015, the requirement for a couple to be of opposite sex in order to marry is removed. Couples already in a civil partnership can apply to marry or remain as they are. If they marry their civil partnership is automatically dissolved.
- The Child and Family Relationships Act 2015 introduces significant modernising changes particularly in the area of guardianship, access and custody.
- Protection, barring and safety orders applications offering additional protections under new legislation – The Domestic Violence Act 2018.
Contact Our Office at 01-836 9805 for more information if you have an enquiry in relation to this area. You can speak to a solicitor, or simply enquire online and we will telephone you within 24 hours.