We welcome the following recommendations on the Future of Policing in Ireland report published this week and are encouraged that submissions made by us and other stakeholders have been taken on board:
“Crisis Intervention Teams should now be established at divisional level, with round the clock response capabilities to serve every part of the country. The teams should comprise police, mental health, substance abuse, child services and other social workers who know their communities well and the vulnerable people within them”
“Police are often first on the scene in situations where the key problem is mental illness or drug abuse. It is vital that they know how to recognise such problems when they encounter them – that they are knowledgeable about such problems, if not expert – and that they know how to access the right kind of expert assistance quickly.”
There have also been some interesting new UK developments with The Mental Health Act (Places of Safety) Regulations 2017 & street triage teams in operation, in this ever evolving and challenging area. #Memphis policing model #better outcomes for all See further link below: